The AXN Boutique is here to deliver the best-of-the-best guitar related gear from the 1980s and 1990s. When you shop here we welcome you into this forum of information. Use the links in the menu to get to a wealth of already published content.
I am Johnny the owner of AXN Guitars.
Please reach out to me anytime. Contact Page
If you would like, I am here to help you make the very important decisions about your gear. If you are just interested in something I have for sale or even if you seek to learn more about vintage 1980s or 1990s I am just a phone call or an email away.
Johnny AXN Guitars
Cell: 949-329-8943
Short Bio :
The AXN Boutique is part of AlienXnation Vintage Guitars. Johnny is the owner of AXN Guitars. He is a guitar luthier as well as a guitar designer and manufacturer.
For over three decades Johnny was known as a collector in vintage guitar circles. Considered The “Sensei of Vintage 1980s Guitars” by collectors of tradition Fender and Gibson guitars. His company AlienXnation Vintage became known for high quality and hard to find vintage 1980s guitars. Some of the brands that AlienXnation Vintage was known to collect were Charvel San Dimas and Glendora California era guitars. Charvel era and pre 1987 Jackson Guitars are part of his legacy. Johnny still owns vintage Pre-Jackson Charvel Guitars.
Today many years later his knowledge of ESP, vintage ESP Guitars and the ESP navigator series of guitars and virtually everything ESP became evident to other collectors. Johnny is regarded as the most educated and resourceful collector of vintage ESP guitars in the United States. ESP Guitars and Electric Sound Products was a Japanese company that had many changes and many variations in the 1980s. There were very many great and creative luthiers in Japan that worked for ESP. With this knowledge it becomes clear that Kramer Guitars and The Kramer Guitar Company based in Neptune New Jersey would be part of Johnny’s expertise.
Johnny has studied the evolution of ESP for many years and can identify the manufacturing down to the luthiers or the shops that made the guitars throught the variuos places and areas in Tokyo and Japan.
Johnny and AlienXnation are also considered the foremost collector and authority in regards to vintage Floyd Rose, Fernandes Guitars and the FRT tremolo systems. Johnny also has great knowledge of Burny Les Paul guitars, Greco guitars and many other Japanese instruments. He is familiar with the manufacturing practices of all the major manufacturers in Japan operating there in Japan in the late 1970s through the 1980s.
One last note. Johnny is the only luthier that has collected many Kramer 1983 Baretta Signature guitars for analysis. The 1983 Edward Van Halen Signature guitar had a special neck profile and neck shape. Johnny from AXN Guitars is the only luthier with scientific measurements of that neck profile. He is regarded as such in the Kramer guitar world of collectors.
In 2014 Johnny started his own brand of guitars and began full scale manufacturing of AXN Guitars.
Another Biography of Johnny and AXN Guitars is here >>
AXN Guitars 23052-H Alicia Pkwy Suite #320 Mission Viejo 92692 (949)329-8943 -